Increased costs in raw coffees 03/2024
It'll come as no surprise that the price of raw coffee is very volatile currently due to ongoing situations across the globe, whether that's problems with shipping routes, or poor crops etc. Because of this, it has meant we are having to review our pricing on some of our coffees as the contracts come up for renewal, which is unfortunately unavoidable.
However, to try and make the best of an inevitable situation, both of our roasters took a trip to our suppliers tasting lab, and reviewed a variety of options with the idea of increasing the quality, without further increasing the price of the finished product.
After this trip, we then reviewed a few of the options presented, and have decided to move forwards with them.
What this means for you - on some products there will be a small price increase, which would have been inevitable, but the quality of the final product is higher.
Interpreting the graph - Excluding other factors like currency exchange rates, domestic transport costs, increased wages etc, which won't show on this graph, it shows the rate at which the raw cost of coffee has risen. Coffee A, which would have potentially cost £1.50/Kg, now costs roughly £1.80/Kg. Coffee B, which would have potentially cost £4.50/Kg, now costs roughly £5.40/Kg.
The upcoming price increases will likely take effect in late March/early April, when the new coffees are in production.